Once upon a time....tat was a gal...ehmmm..wat a stupid beginning....ok..the story begins with my Stila workshop...i mus admit tat i fall in love with Stila after attended the Stila workshop end of last year....i commited myself the very 1st Stila product--->Lipglaze Christmas set...and i get to know Lilian, the Stila KLCC counter manager....sometimes u love the brand not bcos of the product but oso the ppl who servive u rite?And of cos, i love Stila's packaging, the inspiration of the product and the gorgeous illustration!
The most valuable thing that i get from Stila Haul is i get to know Miu, Harim, Von Von and other frens...Its really fun to have a bunch of frens to share common interest...i wont forget the night that v waited few hours in Stila KLCC and grab Stila products like barbarians wen Wendy (Stila staff) brought out the boxes....=.=
The craziness din jus stop here...i went crazy @ ebay...imagine i log in ebay everyday and search Stila products from day to midnight....and google Stila products wenever i am free....and the most happiest thing is i manage to win Sleeping Princess Palette and Cancam Palette!!!! and guess what...i was bidding these 2 items @ Daiso, The curve....=.= as i has promised my bf to watch movie with him, and i really cant let go the 2 items tat i been eyeing for so long...i lured him to Daiso, and i hide myself inside Daiso (for more than 40 mins) and bid Stila palettes via ebay Mobile..thank god that the connection was awesome that day...
and of cos i continue my madness with ebay....and manage to grab another 3 more eye shadow palettes - Blanc palette, Red carpet palette and Runaway Look palettes...yeah...call me INSANE.....imagine how precious my Stila eye shadow palettes are...flying all the way from US to Malaysia to meet me ....although the shipping cost really cost me a bomb....but it wont stop my passion to own all of it...becos I LOVE STILA!!!
It is sad tat Stila is no longer available in Malaysia soon...but the love and passion towards Stila will never fade easily...and i know for sure..STILA will be back to Malaysia sooner or later :)
Long live...STILA!!!
Cai @ Wing